Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Today - we need to take a QUIZ, review the synthesis essay and AP grading. 

Also, discuss where you can approve you essay through research:

1) Questions: If this is the dumbest generation....who is to blame: technology, education, parents?

2) Compare to other generations?  Also evaluate technology?  Note, the generation that fought WWII has been considered "America's Greatest Generation" - but they also produced the Atomic Bomb.

3) Generation Z - where does this term come from?  Douglas Coupland actually coined "Generation X" (and uninspired people had adopted Generation Y and Z to follow).  What was generation X about? 

4) Remember pose counterarguments.  Remember concede arguments.  Don't get offended by the question.

5) Research the positives concerning video games, etc. 

6) Reread the articles you already have been given and evaluate them.  Most of you aren't analysis what they say and using it. 

2nd Draft - if you have adequately finished your 1st draft (if you have a sub-4 you haven't) - is due on Monday. 

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