Monday, 26 February 2018

Persuasion Essays

Turn in Definition Essays.  Begin Persuasion/Argumentation Essays.

1. Remember that in order to argue well, you must understand your audience and know your purpose.
2. Understand the three principal kinds of appeal emotional appeal, the appeal to intelligence and reason; and ethical appeal, the appeal from the character and competence of the author. The most effective arguments combine all three.
3. Construct an argument as a lawyer would construct a case to present to a jury; state your assertions and back them up with evidence and reason, appealing to your readers’ intellect and feelings.
4. Always assume your audience is intelligent, although some members of it may be uninformed on a particular issue.
5. Avoid three common pitfalls: (a) don’t overstate your claims, (b) be careful not to oversimplify complex issues; and (c) support your arguments with concrete evidence, not generalizations.

Sunday, 18 February 2018


Today - you need to turn in your Division and Classification Essays and begin to work on your DEFINITION Essay.

Review in the river reader the definition essay.

DEFINITION Points to Remember

  1. Remember that you are obligated to define key terms that you use in your writing— such as Marxism, alternative medicine, nontraditional student.
  2. Understand your purpose in defining: to explain, to entertain, to persuade, to set boundaries, or to establish a standard.
  3. Understand how writers construct an argument from a definition. For example, by defining the good life or good government, they argue for that kind of life or government.
  4. Know the several ways of defining: giving examples, analyzing qualities, attributing characteristics, defining negatively, using analogies, and showing function.
  5. Learn to use definition in combination with other strategies, as a basis on which to build an argument, or as supporting evidence.                                                                                                                            Remember Al's Definition Essay:

    The one thing that we can control in our lives is our personal reactions to the events occurring around us. Do we stand up and speak up about abuse, or sit back as our best friend turns down an offer of a lifetime? We are responsible for our actions. We must take control and stand up for what we believe to be morally right. All throughout history there have been incidents of leaders taking initiative and standing up for what they believe in. Conversely, there have also been moments of weakness; cowards whom don’t speak up, passer-bys who don’t stop to report a crime, or help a victim. These moments do not define the person at fault, but rather emphasize the importance of the brave ones who do stay with the victim, who do call 911, who take a stand.
                One Significant Transcendentalist Philosopher, Henry David Thoreau,  showed responsibility when he denied support of a war that was, in his mind, immoral. Thoreau was asked to pay a poll tax that supported the Mexican American War, but because the war was a ploy to gain territory in the South, allowing slavery to thrive, Thoreau refused.  This is a classic example of responsibility. It was Thoreau’s moral obligation to refuse to pay the poll tax because he did not believe in what it supported. If he had paid the poll tax because the government told him to then this would be an example of cowardice.
    Another instance of responsibility can be seen in Eugene V. Debs’s speech against World War I. Although he knew that he would be arrested due to the Sedition Act. He believed that it was his moral duty to speak up about the injustice of the World War. He advocated for the common people to have the right to declare war or peace. Although Debs went to prison for his speech he was responsible in doing so because he took action against his suppressor.  In fact he was able to run for presidency while he was in prison.
                While there are many situations where people show their responsibility and maturity, there are also plenty of cowardice moments in history. Everyone has a flaw, even the people in the Bible. Pontius Pilate’s weakness in the face of a rioting mob calling for Jesus' death, even though he knew of his innocence is the ultimate show of cowardice. Although Pilate had the power to set Jesus free, his fear of insurrection prevented him from making the right moral choice. Cowardice appears to be one of the main themes of many pieces of literature, and society. So maybe the human race as a whole are guilty of it? And if we are all guilty of cowardice, then we must all be guilty of responsibility at times as well because you cannot have one without the other.
                With such chaos going on in our lives, we should control the one thing we have authority over: our actions. The way we respond and learn can define your life. You learn from your and others’ mistakes, however, so cowardice is essential in developing responsibility and bravery in society.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


If you are done with your Classification and Division essay, please begin your DEFINITION essay.  Look over it in your river reader and think about/adhere to this list:

Definition (draft) due 2/26

DEFINITION Points to Remember 

  1. Remember that you are obligated to define key terms that you use in your writing— such as Marxism, alternative medicine, nontraditional student. 
  2. Understand your purpose in defining: to explain, to entertain, to persuade, to set boundaries, or to establish a standard. 
  3. Understand how writers construct an argument from a definition. For example, by defining the good life or good government, they argue for that kind of life or government. 
  4. Know the several ways of defining: giving examples, analyzing qualities, attributing characteristics, defining negatively, using analogies, and showing function. 
  5. Learn to use definition in combination with other strategies, as a basis on which to build an argument, or as supporting evidence.

Monday, 12 February 2018


For those of you starting your Division and Classification essay, remember you are creating categories. Example, if your theme was running you might classify the types of workouts an athlete might used in order to be successful. If your theme was Power you might discuss different types of power a country might have or need to be a world leader. Remember Al Weber's essay on the types of homework an AP student might have. 

If you have questions - SPEAK.   

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Modes of Compostion: Compare and Contrast

Today - we need to continue with your Compare/Contrast essays.  Please let me know if you need me to look at your essay immediately.  I will be looking at all of them today, but if you need me to focus on yours first, speak up.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Today we need to continue we the compare and contrast essay, and continue to rewrite your other essays. 

If you are leaving on Friday - I will need your compare and contrast essay sent to me by next Monday 2/12.  And you will also need to write you "Division and Classification" essay on the trip.  Please take your river readers with you. 

Monday, 5 February 2018

Compare and Contrast

Today, you need to post your Process Analysis Essay, and then begin your Compare and Contrast Essay.  This week you should be writing you 1st draft of the Compare and Contrast and revising your other two essays.

Points to Remember

1. Decide whether you want the pattern of your comparison to focus on the complete units (divided) or specific features (alternating).

2. Consider the possibility of combining the two patterns.

3. Determine which subject should be placed in the first position and why.

4. Arrange the points of your comparison in a logical balanced, and dramatic sequence.

5. Make sure you introduce and clarify the reasons for making your comparison.

Friday, 2 February 2018


Today, we need to continue with your Process Analysis and revision on your Narration Essay.  Note, if you believe you are done with these - and I don't think anyone is completely done with both of these essays - you may start your Compare and Contrast Essay.  Make sure you review in the river reader the type of essay.

Points to Remember

1. Decide whether you want the pattern of your comparison to focus on the complete units (divided) or specific features (alternating).

2. Consider the possibility of combining the two patterns.

3. Determine which subject should be placed in the first position and why.

4. Arrange the points of your comparison in a logical balanced, and dramatic sequence.

5. Make sure you introduce and clarify the reasons for making your comparison.