Wednesday, 14 February 2018


If you are done with your Classification and Division essay, please begin your DEFINITION essay.  Look over it in your river reader and think about/adhere to this list:

Definition (draft) due 2/26

DEFINITION Points to Remember 

  1. Remember that you are obligated to define key terms that you use in your writing— such as Marxism, alternative medicine, nontraditional student. 
  2. Understand your purpose in defining: to explain, to entertain, to persuade, to set boundaries, or to establish a standard. 
  3. Understand how writers construct an argument from a definition. For example, by defining the good life or good government, they argue for that kind of life or government. 
  4. Know the several ways of defining: giving examples, analyzing qualities, attributing characteristics, defining negatively, using analogies, and showing function. 
  5. Learn to use definition in combination with other strategies, as a basis on which to build an argument, or as supporting evidence.

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