Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Objective: To be able to write a close analysis essay by using a variety of tools - SOAPS, persuasive appeals (logos, ethos, pathos), precis writing, annotation, and discussion of rhetorical devices (syntax, diction, figurative language, tone, etc).

Today, we need to

1) Discuss the rewrites of your ASSATA prompt/essay. 
2) Go over your news articles for this week
3) Discuss chapter 2 of The Language of Composition and the precis to Susan Sontag's essay, "A Woman's Beauty: Put-Down or Power Source?"
4) Finally, I want us to read, annotate, and comment on the AP Analysis Question from 2015.

HOMEWORK: Read, "Why I Went into the Woods" by Henry David Thoreau (One Hundred Great Essays), look up SAT vocabulary list #2 (below - if needed), and reread the 2015 AP question.  Note - you might have a quiz on it on Friday.

We will be moving on to the Synthesis Question soon (next week or the week after).  You will also soon beginning your longer - research - essay project for Quarter 1 (check your syllabus). 


1) Abrasive
2) Bilk
3) Covert
4) Engender
5) Hangar
6) Knotty
7) Nuance
8) Plagarism
9) Renown
10) Tangent

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