Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Today, we will discuss the course and hear your comments or concerns, or ways to make the course more efficient for you.  Then we will take a diagnostic multiple choice exam.

Also - go here to look at an example of the open question you just wrote.  Most of you aren't answering the "RELEVANCE" part of the prompt.


Students will be able to write an synthesis essay that creates an argument off a given prompt and uses three or more of the eight sources given – scoring in the upper half on the AP rubric.

4 – On an AP synthesis prompt the student can successfully answer the prompt and write an essay scoring a 7 or higher on the AP rubric.

3 – On an AP synthesis prompt the student can successfully answer the prompt and write an essay scoring a 5 or higher on the AP rubric.

2 – On an AP synthesis prompt the student cannot successfully answer the prompt and write an analysis essay.  Student scores 3-4 on the AP rubric.

1 -  Student is unable to write an synthesis essay.

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